The Society was delighted to host GeoCom, the flagship conference of the Association for Geographic Information (AGI), at our building in London yesterday.
The conference brought together professionals from across the geospatial community with a fascinating array of sessions, providing opportunities to listen to new work, discuss emerging trends and network with others across the community.
The day’s sessions centred around the theme Intelligent geospatial for a sustainable future, focusing on the increasing use of automation in the geospatial sector and its compatibility with sustainability objectives.
Sessions examined topics such as how mobile phone data can be used for analytics and the environmental impacts of Earth Observation, while panel discussions explored if AI and machine learning could spark the end of traditional cartography, and the legal, ethical and governance challenges for geospatial data in a world of generative AI.
During the day, the Society’s Professional and Policy Manager, Liz Fox-Tucker, and the Professional team joined the AGI Early Careers Network to talk about Chartered Geographer, the Society’s professional accreditation, and highlight the benefits of chartership at every career stage.
The Society and the AGI have long worked collaboratively to support those working in the sector and to advance understanding of the real world impact of geospatial technology and geographical information. This partnership was formalised with a Memorandum of Understanding in 2017, which was renewed earlier this year.