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Professor Sir Gordon Conway, former President of the Society (2006-2009), was a world leader in international development and one of the world’s foremost experts on food security and the sustainable development of agricultural land.

Trained as an agricultural ecologist, he had many leadership roles in universities and research institutes, including terms as Vice-Chancellor of Sussex University and Chair of the Institute of Development Studies. His contribution to international agricultural practice and policy began in the 1960s as a field officer in Sabah, followed by roles as Director of the Sustainable Agriculture at IIED; Head of the Ford Foundation in India; President of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Chief Scientific Advisor for DFID here in the UK. 

He enhanceed and promoted agricultural development in Africa and Asia, wrote numerous papers, and published three books on sustainable agriculture – each of which shaped the agenda of their time, including One billion hungry – can we feed the world? (2012).

Sir Gordon worked to improve the lives of millions through his pioneering research, leadership of major organisations, and advice to governments and international agencies on sustainable agriculture and development.

Read an extended tribute to Sir Gordon (via The Times)

Sir Gordon Conway
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