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Congratulations to our newest Council and committee members who were elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) yesterday.​

The new Council members are:

  • Professor Beth Greenhough – Councillor, Research and Higher Education

  • Stephen Jones – Vice President, Expeditions and Fieldwork

  • Ashley Parry Jones​ – Vice President, Professional

  • Matt Pycroft​ – Vice President, Membership

  • David Scott​ – Honorary Treasurer

As newly elected Trustees, they join the current members of Council, our board of Trustees who are responsible for the Society’s governance and meet four times per year. 

The new committee members are:

  • Dr Rachel Carr – Committee member, Expeditions and Fieldwork Committee​​

  • ​Professor Siwan Davies​ – Committee member, Research and Higher Education Committee

  • Professor Stephen Legg – Chair of Annual Conference 2024, Research and Higher Education Committee

​​Thank you to all our outgoing Council and committee members for their hard work and dedication to the Society.