Research Groups Sub-Committee
The responsibilities of the Research Groups Sub-Committee shall be to support the Research and Higher Education Committee in its work that promotes and supports geographers, geographical communities and geographical research through a wide range of activities in higher education and beyond. It will also provide a conduit for Research Groups and their members to raise and discuss issues within the Society and with each other, for the Society to share news of what is taking place in other parts of its work relevant to the Research Groups, and to share good practice between Research Groups. The Research Groups Sub-Committee receives reports from the Research Groups (see separate Terms of Reference) and reports to the Research and Higher Education Committee.
Membership of the committee is a Councillor (Research and Higher Education) who Chairs the committee; three representatives elected by the Society’s Research Groups who also sit on the Research and Higher Education Committee; and a nominated representative from the committee of each Research Group (usually the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or their nominated representative). Additional members include the Head of RHED; the Research and Collections Engagement Manager; the Vice President for Research and Higher Education; and the Chair of the Annual Conference.
Frequency of meetings
The Sub-Committee meets bi-annually, in October and March.
The Research Groups Sub-Committee shall be quorate when 50% of its members are present, in person or through teleconferencing
Decision-making shall be by consensus as far as possible. If a vote is required, each member shall have one vote and the Chair shall have the casting vote.
The duties of the Sub-Committee shall be to provide advice to the Research and Higher Education Committee, from the perspective of the Research Groups, on:
the delivery of the Society’s strategy relating to research and higher education
the development of the Society’s thinking on all aspects of geographical research and higher education and its understanding of the wider research and higher education context
the Society’s response to consultations on research and higher education
Terms of this authority
This paper is approved by the Research and Higher Education Committee for a period of three years after which it will automatically lapse unless renewed by the Committee.
In any event, the Research and Higher Education Committee, or Council may, by ordinary resolution, revoke or amend this authority as it deems fit.