Editors Sub-Committee
The Editors Sub-Committee brings together all named Editors of the Society’s journals and book series to receive and discuss the Publisher’s Annual Report and to discuss journal/book strategies and to develop collective plans. The Committee may be called upon for advice by the Research and Higher Education Committee, but it is the Research and Higher Education Committee that holds overall responsibility for the Society’s publications and Society statements related to policy.
As context
The Society is the sole exclusive owner of the titles Area, The Geographical Journal, and Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers and the RGS-IBG Book Series. Geo: Geography and Environment is jointly owned by the Society and Wiley.
Any significant or strategic changes to the journals/book series or the wider portfolio, for example in terms of the journals’ remit, must be considered for approval by the Society’s Research and Higher Education Committee.
Society statements on policy relating to publications (e.g. Plan-S; submissions to REF) are made by the Research and Higher Education Committee, supported by the Head of Research and Higher Education and the Managing Editor.
Members of the Research and Higher Education Committee may be called upon occasionally to consider alleged scholarly misconduct or reported ethical issues.
In consultation with the Finance Committee and Council, the Research and Higher Education Committee is called upon for input on the Society’s publishing contracts and tenders.
Membership of the committee is the Vice-President (Research and Higher Education) who will serve as Chair, and all named Editors of the Society’s four journals and the book series. Each Editor will serve on the committee for the duration of their term (as outlined in the letter of appointment). The Society’s Head of Research and Higher Education and Managing Editor: Academic Publications will attend committee meetings as ex-officio members. Representatives of the Society’s publisher, currently Wiley, will also attend.
Frequency of meetings
The Sub-Committee meets annually, usually in May/June.
The Editors Sub-Committee shall be quorate when 50% of its members are present, in person or through teleconferencing.
Decision-making shall be by consensus as far as possible. If a vote is required, each member shall have one vote and the Chair shall have the casting vote. As noted above, significant or strategic changes to the journals/book series must be considered and approved by the Research and Higher Education Committee.
The duties of the Sub-Committee shall be:
To meet to discuss the Publisher’s Annual Report and journal specific strategies and action plans, and report these to the R&HE Committee
To develop and agree cross-publication strategies and plans
Terms of this authority
This paper is approved by the Research and Higher Education Committee for a period of three years after which it will automatically lapse unless renewed by the Committee.
In any event, the Research and Higher Education Committee, or Council may, by ordinary resolution, revoke or amend this authority as it deems fit.