EDI and Sustainability Review Group
The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability Review Group (EDISRG) exists to review the Society's work on these themes and objectives.
The Review Group is made up of four Trustees and the Director. The Trustees are selected by the President based on invited expressions of interest to sit on the group, and their skills and knowledge related to these areas of work.
It will meet at least once a year, in person or virtually, and report to Council annually. Further meetings can be called on an as-needs basis by any member of the Review Group and they may refer strategic ideas or topics to Council for further discussion or a decision as and when required.
The Director’s Office provides the Secretariat. The Group may choose on occasion to call a thematic workshop or other format of meeting that draws in relevant participants, whether from the staff, from the membership or beyond.
The Review Group is not the exclusive setting for consideration of these issues. Council, Sub-Committees of Council, Senior Management Team or other bodies are all likely to be addressing relevant themes in the course of their work.
The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability Review Group exists to:
Review the Society's current activities in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability, and to report on progress to Council annually in June.
Provide a forum for consideration of issues arising in this area (e.g. a major news event or policy issue) on an ad hoc and as-needs basis.
The scope of EDISRG relates solely to the Society’s charitable activities. Policies and procedures relating to staff and contractors are attended to as part of the professional management of the Society, although relevant activity may be noted in the annual reporting cycle.