Collections Advisory Group
Reporting to the Society’s Council, this Advisory Group provides the Society with valuable external professional expertise and advice relating to the Society’s two million Collection items, by responding to the Society’s current strategic plans for its use and stewardship of the Collections in terms of:
Ethics and governance matters relating to the Society and its Collections
Academic research and educational use
Public engagement, with specific attention to further development of the Society’s existing collaborative work with diverse and underrepresented communities
Maintenance, insurance, conservation and care, including estates planning and facilities as they relate to the future use and storage of the Society’s Collections
Development of innovative digital access plans for the Collections
Development of professional skills for Society staff working directly and indirectly with the Collections
Maximising the opportunities for the Society to consider applications for such public and private financial grants and resources as may be available specifically for the care, conservation, exhibition, interpretation, and promotion of the Collections which have designation via the Arts Council as a ‘UK Collection of National Importance’.
In addition, work on the Society’s Collections policies is a matter of on-going business and the Advisory Group contribute thinking and advice on the following policies:
Collections acquisitions, disposals, loans and returns
Collections development
Collections information and access
Collections Intellectual Property Rights
Collections care and conservation
The Advisory Group members also support the Society’s Head of Enterprise and Resources by commenting on the proposed annual objectives they develop in collaboration with the Society’s Director (and wider Senior Team) linked to the Society’s Collections and the delivery of the Society’s wider strategy. All operational decisions relating to the Collections remain with the Society’s Management Team.
The Advisory Group meets three times per year in line with the Society’s existing cycle of Council and Committee meetings.
Advisory Group structure:
The Collections Advisory Group comprises at least eight members (including three representatives from the Society’s staff), plus a minute taker, selected for their specific areas of expertise.
From time to time, other individuals with specialisms which may be thought to benefit the work of the Society in relation to its Collections may be co-opted onto the advisory group on a project basis and at the sole discretion of the Society’s Director.
Society representatives:
Image Licensing Sales Manager
Research and Collections Engagement Manager
Principal Librarian
ISRD Team (rotation of one senior member of staff per meeting – Deputy Librarian and Cartographic Collections Manager)
Collections and Administration Assistant (minutes)
External Advisory Group Members:
Professor Felix Driver, Professor of Human Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London. Chair
Ms Kate Stockings, Trust Lead for Geography, Future Academies
Ms Jane Weeks, Fellow, formerly British Council and Chair of the Southeast Committee of the HLF
Dr Katy Barrett, Deputy Chief Curator and Head of Engagement, Houses of Parliament
Mr Clifford Pereira, Heritage Consultant, Research Associate at University of Hong Kong
Professor Tariq Jazeel, Department of Geography, UCL
Last updated February 2023